The first International Conference of Language and Literature organized by the department is "The common aspects in the Turkish and Albanian culture" on 25-26 May, Tirana.
Information about the conference:
From 50 abstracts given for this conference, the organizational committee approved only 29 of them. From these abstracts 14 were in Turkish language and 15 in Albanian language. The works were represented in Turkish and Albanian. The topics of this conference were about the relationship between the two populations in: language, literature, history, traditions, culture, religion, folklore, lifestyle etc. In this conference took part: one referent from Azerbaijan, 7 referents from Turkey, 7 from Kosovo and 14 from Albania.
Language Studies
Literature Review
Clothing Finery Culture
Food and Drink Culture
Interactions in the field of architecture
Customs and traditions
Religious Life and Beliefs
Location and Occupation Names
The conference theme: Turkish in Balkans
Hëna e Plotë "Beder" University, Faculty of Philology and Education, Department of Turkish Language and Literature in cooperation with Yıldız University, Faculty of Education, Department of Turkish Language Education will hold the "2nd International Conference on Language and Literature" in 14 -16 November, 2013 In the capital city of Albania, Tirana. The theme of this year’s conference will be ‘Turkish in Balkans’.
Balkans is the venue where Turks and other nationalities have lived together and created a common civilization during the Ottoman rule. As a result, many works from that period continue to pay service to humanity today, this includes the works written in the Turkish language. Many libraries in Balkan countries today have Ottoman-era Turkish books, documents and etc. and Turkish is still spoken as a legacy of the Ottoman state. Beside literary works, Turkish is widely used in newspapers, magazines, radio and television broadcasts.
The conference will provide an important platform for the participants from different countries, disciplines to share their work and opinions. We welcome and appreciate your research and academic opinions on the past, present and future of Turkish in Balkans
Conference Area and Target:
The use of the Turkish language in the Balkans and the close examination of the works written in this language. Research on how Turkish is used by other ethnicities living in this region and the dissemination of the findings. Exploration of the historical relationships between Turkish and other Balkan languages. Investigation of the role of Turkish in the Balkans today and the contributions done in the field of its teaching.
"Turkish in Europa"
Turkish, as one of the most spoken languages in the world, is being used, thus enriched in many countries as a literary language. Together with technological improvements and globalization, Turkish is extensively being taught in many countries as a second language. Turkish culture and literature can be traced and followed everywhere in the world via press and broadcasting devices provided by communication technologies.
Turkish is either spoken as a native language or extensively being taught as a foreign language. It is actively being used by around 5 million people in Western Europe due to migrations since 1960s, thus it has found the chance to build a new literary area of improvement. This new situation together with Europe`s long standing interest in Eastern studies came to be a subject area for academic studies and also raised the interest in technological improvements. Beder University, embodying Turkish Language and Literature department, is one of the institutions in Balkans that gives importance to education of Turkish as well as technological improvements. Situated in a place where many poets and writers were emerged since Ottoman times and intercepting with historically renowned `Silk Road` that connected Europe with Asia added a great advantage to Albania and Balkans.
The number of researchers and the varieties of their presentations as participants from different countries to the International Language and Literature Conference in 2012 and 2013 indicated great interest to the above mentioned issues. The feedback we received from participants played a great role in organizing another conference.
Targets and Objectives:
Studying the works formed in Turkish and enhancing the usage of Turkish in Europe, investigating and transferring collected data to the world of science as in contribution of other nations and ethnic minorities to Turkish language and literature, and conducting research to study the relation between Turkish and European languages in their historical developments as well as introducing studies in education of Turkish that can help establish the status of Turkish in today`s Europe.
Among many objectives of the conference, some are; to help academicians come together and exchange knowledge, who are already studying on Turcology in different countries; encouraging more studies in the field and help them to be shared among the scholars; Introducing new works of institutions and academicians of this field; creating the circumstances in where academic meetings and speeches can be held as to promote new projects and collaborations and make sure that Turcologs from different part of the world would have the chance to know more about the region`s masterpieces.
The conference would present a great opportunity to the participants from different regions and disciplines in sharing ideas and exchanging experiences. We will be glad to help you share your research and viewpoints in an academic meeting.
Turcology studies
Turcology institutions
Comparative Literature
Turkish poets and writers from Europe and the Balkans
Turcologists from European and the Balkans
Translation activities from Western languages into Turkish and vice versa.
Teaching Turkish language as a mother tongue in Europe
Teaching Turkish for foreigners
Language relationships
Language teaching
Press and publication
Turkish radio and television broadcasts in Europe and the Balkans
Turkish media in Europe and the Balkans
Turkish movies and Turkish soup operas in Europe and the Balkans
Relationship between Turkish music and European or Balkan music
In the memory of Semseddin Sami
Communication among people is very closely related to language. People of different nationalities need to communicate in order to understand each other. Communication is an essential tool in understanding and comprehension.
Turkish language is among world’s most widespread and spoken languages. With the technology advancement, distances among people are being overcome as technology allows them to write and talk to each other. Due to economic and cultural relations, learning a foreign language such as Turkish has become a necessity for better outcomes and for better communication.
Every nation through its language and culture produces art and artists that should be followed by furture generations. This cultural background, attracts many other countries particularly by the works of art, such as writings. Foreigners who do not speak the language in which the work of art is written, try to enjoy it by just reading its translation The other way may be through learning the original language in order to get the full satisfaction of understanding.